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Judas Kiss PART 1

The bottle of whiskey stood at the edge of my lampstand. The dirty, hard, crumbled tissues were scattered all over. I was alone in my bedroom. It was the fierce breeze that had just woke me up. The bottle was empty, but nothing could be said of my bladder....

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Five Star Luo Love: What it means

Five Star Luo Love: What it means

They say that as a woman, you haven’t really been loved until you’ve been loved by a ja’Luo man. Gospel truth! So, have you? What is it about Luo men that can’t get Kenyan women shutting up? Is it the flamboyance? The elegance? The attention? Heh! Ja’Luo...

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Long lasting friendships

There are friends who are loyal, steadfast, and supportive; friends you can call in the middle of the night or the middle of a breakup, who stay by your side no matter what. My friend Dorcas, in addition to being all these things, is also the friend who...

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